How The Process Works
Tell us about your property.
It’s quick, easy, and free!
If it meets our buying criteria…
We will contact you to set up a quick appointment.
We present you with a fair, all-cash offer…
Or discuss the best method to proceed.
We close at a local reputable title company.
We can close as quickly or as slowly as you need.
Timeframe: Once we get your information, we’re usually able to make you a fair, all-cash offer within 24 hours. From there, we can close as quickly or as slowly as you need. The process is in your hands.
Contact us today to get your offer!
Selling Can Be Stress-Free
Property Max is dedicated to helping homeowners in need of a reliable way to sell their properties fast. With our Cash Offer Program, sellers are able to decide on their own closing date and we never charge commissions, closing costs, or any other hidden fee like you would get with a real estate agent.
Through our mission statement of offering convenience and efficiency in real estate transactions, we are driven by our vision of being the leading provider of stress-free home purchase services. We also want our clients happy which is why we strive for superior customer satisfaction in everything we do.
No matter how ugly or pretty it is, no matter the location, we want to make you a fair cash offer for your home.
Close on the date of your choice.
You can get rid of the headache of that property fast! Avoid paying one more month of utilities, property tax, insurance, and mortgage payments – you get the drill. When you list your house with a traditional real estate agent, not only will you be charged 6% in commissions but you’ll also have to wait 90+ days to close. Once you figure in all of the costs of holding that property during the time you have it listed, you can see why so many homeowners prefer the ease of a direct cash sale with Property Max.
Don’t worry about fixing up your property or dealing with intrusive open houses.
We don’t care how dirty your house is or how many repairs are needed. Is your home a complete fixer? We love projects! We want to make a fair cash offer on your house today. Save yourself the headache of repairs, upgrades, and cleaning again and again for buyer after buyer. You can save yourself time and money by selling directly to us.
We buy houses in Oregon, Washington, California, and Texas, too! Contact us today to find out more.